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Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

ArtE (The Art of Employability) is an itinerary to support the socio-labour insertion process of people in vulnerable situations. It combines social work, entrepreneurship training and an immersion in all the development phases of a theatre play.

The methodology supports participants in breaking isolation and discouragement. The goal of this empowerment and self-esteem recovery process is to re-enter the labour market on their own feet. Thus, theatre becomes a tool for soft skills improvement.

The initiative begun in 2019 under the European Commission's Erasmus+ scheme. A group of organisations adapted and adopted the JobAct® model, developed by Projektfabrik in Germany, in Italy, Portugal and Spain. The first ArtE pilot project in Barcelona supported a group of unaccompanied young migrants in their adaptation and skills development process. Espai Teatre and Fundació Comtal took part in the implementation.

In 2021-2022, “la Caixa” Foundation supported UpSocial and Fundación Ana Bella to implement a new ArtE iteration in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. On this occasion, women survivors of gender violence will participate to recover their identity, agency and professional projects.
