
Podcast channel on social change and how to accelerate it

Podcast in Spanish

We talk about what is going on in the world around the main transitions already taking place, or pending, and how we can accelerate them. These questions have become more relevant since the arrival of COVID-19, and even though its emergence has magnified social challenges, it has also accelerated several changes that were, until recently, unthinkable.

December 1st 2020
Podcast in English

In this episode we explore how actors from diverse sectors adopt an innovative language and attitude to face social needs.

December 8th 2020
Podcast in Catalan

People mobilized by a cause become genuine agents of change. We ask ourselves how these movements are born and how they contribute to building communities capable of innovation. 

December 15th 2020
Podcast in Spanish

Institutions as key actors for systemic change. Successful experiences teach us how to overcome barriers and articulate advocacy to institutionalize changes that allow us to achieve greater impact.

December 22nd 2020
Podcast in English

Special episode in collaboration with SIX Wayfinder. Together we discuss why scaling social innovation is an important topic that needs more attention. 

December 29th 2020
Podcast in English

We analyse the role of evidence and research as the foundation to articulate the theory of change, and how to promote this approach in the social sector.

January 5th 2021
Podcast in English

We explore which capacities are available to build social change, and how we can contribute to empowering agents of change. 

January 12th 2021
Podcast in Spanish

We reflect on the transformative power of art, sport, or play to create more diverse and inclusive societies.

December 19th 2021
Podcast in English

We aim to understand the keys to create lasting changes within systems that affect people. Two-part episode.

January 26th 2021
Podcast in English

We aim to understand the keys to create lasting changes within systems that affect people. Two-part episode.

February 2nd 2021