Green entrepreneurialism in the Middle East and North Africa

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UpSocial collaborate with the SCP/RAC across projects within one of their areas of work: supporting green entrepreneurialism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

The SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurship program works in nine MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries to support entrepreneurs with a green business idea. UpSocial supported the SwitchMed project with a global benchmark of business support programmes and the resulting learning and recommendations report. 

The GIMED Project aims to boost the development of eco-innovative ventures in the MENA region in order to create employment and drive the green and circular economy in the region. The project works with business supoort organisation across 4 MENA countries to train and coach social eco-entrepreneurs and to encourage financiers to invest in the Mediterranean eco-innovation sector. UpSocial collaborates in designing and testing a standardised mark of recognition for organisations that effectively support the creation of sustainable ventures.

2016 to 2022