How to generate quality employment opportunities in the green economy for groups excluded from the job market?

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Oyón-Oion, Sestao and Urretxu.

There are three factors which have led to the expulsion of many low-qualified workers from the Basque Country’s job market: the progressive delocalisation of industrial production, the withdrawal of traditional economic activities, and the economic crisis from 2008. The issue is not only to create jobs, but how to make it possible for groups excluded from the job market to get hired and have access to quality jobs.  

The following levers of change have been identified to guide the search for potentially effective and efficient answers that can be adapted and adopted in the three municipalities were the challenge is localised:

  • Increase the employability of people excluded from the job market: flexible training itineraries adapted to the employers demands, personalised support for unemployed people, individual and collective entrepreneurship, and self-employment.
  • Economic opportunities that generate employment: sustainable tourism; renewable energy and energetic efficiency; circular economy; community regeneration and space remodelling; and agricultural sector, rural improvement, and ecology.
Challenge completed
April 2021