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United States
Brett Dioguardi and Shane Gring
Bould has received numerous awards, and in 2012 among others: Unreasonable Institute Fellowship, Hitachi Foundation Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurship Award and Fellowship and Huffington Post Millennial Impact Challenge Award. It has been featured in Forbes and The Huffington Post, and was named one of the “9 Breakthroughs that made the World Better” by The Economist.

A training programme to obtain professional certification in construction techniques and building rehabilitation following energy efficiency principles, based on the participation of the main stakeholders involved: students, professionals and construction companies.


Impact indicators

A typical Hack-a-thon allows to train around 50 participants, 85% of whom believe the certificate they obtain gives them a competitive edge in the job market.

As of December 2013:

  • 455 professionals graduated, with the intention of reaching 1,600 in 2015. 
  • 45 green projects supported: each one of its "learning laboratories" is not just a building incorporating the green measures that form part of the programmne, but they also become affordable housing for a low income family. The forecast for 2015 is to have given support to 250 community projects.  
Última actualización 13 August 2020