Partnering for Change

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United States
Tanya Tull
Ashoka Fellow (2009).

Collaboration of public-private services to single-parental families aiming to ensure their access to solid dwelling and support, management and information services. The Housing First model prioritises stable housing to support people and families at risk of social exclusion. This allows greater efficiency in other interventions related to the education of their children, employment, physical and mental health and, in general, a greater stability that favours the wellbeing of these individuals and families. It also generates savings for the government, since the use of taxpayers' money is optimised.

Impact indicators
  • The model has been replicated and implemented in all states of the US and in the UK. Tanya Tull began working on the initiative to provide a solution to the housing needs of single mothers, but its development has proven to be particularly relevant for people with severe and complex needs (addictions, mental illness, disability, etc.) for which traditional methodologies have not been successful.
  • They have helped 5.500 families in Los Angeles.
  • They have reduced governmental investment in services for homeless and single-parental families by 32%.
Implementation progress

Housing First is a model desenvoluped in the United States with two main referents: Tania Tull (Los Angeles) and Sam Tsembenis (New York). The Barcelona City Council designed a new strategy to support the homeless based on this model. In 2014, this initiative received the recognition 'Impulsors de la innovació social'.

After an initial pilot project with the Fundación Rais, in 2015 it awarded to the San Joan de Deu hospital (Social Services) and to the San Pere Claver-Suara-Garbet joint venture the "Primer la Llar" (Housing First) service to manage 50 homes for the homeless.

The service was launched with two batches of 25 homes from the private sector, with socio-educational support and coverage of basic needs when necessary.

From June to December 2015, a progressive increase in the number of users is expected.

Also, for the first time, a new figure has been introduced – someone who has lived through a similar situation to that of the users and has managed to get out – who serves as an example and counsellor in the process of improving autonomy.

Última actualización 13 August 2020